Men’s Ministry 

Weekly Men’s Groups

Monday: 6:30pm-8:00pm at The Hampstead Public Library.

Tuesday: 6:00pm-7:30pm at The Plaistow Public Library.

Chili Cook-Off

Ladies and Gentlemen! Yes, you read that right!

This year men’s and women’s ministry will be hosting the chili cook-off together! Please email Jim Morecroft: with any questions or to let him know you would like to throw your hat in the ring to win

the title of #1 Chili Chef at FBC!

Date: February 2,2025

Location: Vic Geary

Time: 3pm

Men’s First Monday

Join us for Men’s first Monday

January 6th

Pizza at 6pm

Program at 6:50

at Island Pond Baptist Church

Speaker: Dr. Kyle Lewis